How to use the Odoo Dashboard




Log onto the test database on server
with your given details.



Click on Reporting in the Navigation bar at the top.



Once in Reporting, on the left menu
scroll down and select Order Analysis.



A simple table with some information will appear
after you have clicked on Order Analysis.​


You can search in categories on the search bar at the top right.
In STEP 5, you will learn how to use the table format to search for
revelant data.
There are different ways to view your data through the Dashboard buttons.
With the Advanced Options you will be able to set your dashboard the way
you would like your data to be displayed.
Search Bar



In the table you can click on the plus icon for a dropdown menu for different
categories you want to view. Once selected, it will show the revelant rows of
information of that category.


Likewise, the dropdown menu for the columns are also selected using the
plus icon.


As you will notice, these rows and columns will have sub-menus like a file
system on an operating system. You can access and display more detailed
searches for specific data required.

Table View

This button will allow you to view your data in a table format including
dropdown menus as mentioned previously.

Bar Chart View

This button will allow you to view your selected data as a Bar Chart.

Line Chart View

This button will allow you to view your data in a Line Chart format.

Pie Chart View

This button will allow you to view your data in a Pie Chart.

Heat Map View

While in the Table View, you can click on the Heat Map View button which
shows the most revelant and the most important data.

Heat Map View (Rows)

With this button selected,
only the most important data of the rows will be displayed.

Heat Map View (Columns)

With this button selected,
only the most important data of the columns will be displayed.

Swap Axis

With this button selected,
you will be able to switch the
Swap Axis between the columns and rows.

Expand All

Expands all information about the selected data.

Refresh Data

The Refresh button refreshes all your data in the report.

Export Data

This button will export the data into a document.

Measures Dropdown Menu

This drop down will show more information
depending on what is selected.

Save Current Filter

To Save the filter in the advanced search,
click the button as indicated above.
This allows you to save your filter as a default search filter
for yourself or to share with other users.

Advanced Search

Use “Advanced Search” to select or filter by different fields.

Add to Dashboard

Click on “Add to Dashboard”
to add the report to your dashboard.